Click here to visit the London Chess League Division Four Trophy: Greater London 2 vs Hackney 3

Date: 29-10-2013, Division: Four, Trophy: Division Four Trophy
Rating limit: <301, (standardplay), Colours: determined by toss
Match type : Online,

Rounds: 1
, Handicap: No
Adjournment possible: Yes
, Adjudication possible: No
Board Home player Result Away player Rating
difference (Δ)
one Alan Bradley s1863* Alan Bradley had the white pieces1/2-1/2 Terence M Donnelly s1855* Terence M Donnelly had the black pieces+8
two Tony B Packham s1811A  Tony B Packham had the black pieces1/2-1/2 John Tennyson s2020D  John Tennyson had the white pieces-209
three Richard Dodds Richard Dodds had the white pieces0-1 Paul Conway s1851C Paul Conway had the black pieces
four Nigel Harrison s1578C  Nigel Harrison had the black pieces1/2-1/2 Dominic Leigh s1722D Dominic Leigh had the white pieces-144
five Chris Mace es140 Chris Mace had the white pieces1/2-1/2 Zeynel Polat s1923* Zeynel Polat had the black pieces-1783
six Erica Orsagova s1765* Erica Orsagova had the black pieces1-0 Marc Morgan s1651E  Marc Morgan had the white pieces+114
seven Jorge Munoz-Muriedas Jorge Munoz-Muriedas had the white pieces0-1 Declan Kilcline s1810C Declan Kilcline had the black pieces
eight Anthony Dearden es100 Anthony Dearden had the black pieces0-1 Mark Rivlin s1697C  Mark Rivlin had the white pieces-1597
Mean rating Home team: 1209.5   Away team: 1816.1 Δ = -606.6
match result: 3 — 5
with no games adjourned
Submitted by: Tom Fleming at: 10:21:00 on: 05-11-2013
Confirmed by: Peter Burgoyne at: 10:37:14 on: 05-11-2013
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